(A brief essay on the influence of the horse in our language, which I began writing in 2005 when we did our first Art Horse fundraiser, and published on the Horsin' Around Rivendell pages of my website. I have added to it every so often.)
Our culture’s relationship with the horse has given us many
colorful words and phrases. These come from the horse itself as well as the gear
and activities associated with the horse.
We refer to young girls as fillies (female foals),
virile men as stallions or studs (male horses), a person who
constantly harangues is called a nag (an old and worthless horse), and
little girls and aging hippies wear their hair in pony tails. We indulge
in horseplay when we are having too much fun. This is also called
horsing around. When a person behaves in an arrogant, haughty or
disdainful fashion we say he is on his high horse. When we
can't seem to let go of an untenable notion it is known by the rather unsavory
phrase beating a dead horse.
Over a hundred years since the invention of the automobile we
name our cars after the horse. There are the Mustang, the Colt,
the Charger , the Bronco and the infamous Pinto. Our car’s engines are rated by
horsepower. When the automobile was first introduced it was called the
horseless carriage and streetcars pulled by horses were called
horse-cars. Our fascination with the power and mystery of the horse can be
seen every day when we see car commercials on TV. Count the number of horses you
see in one day’s worth of car commercials!
Another term for common sense is horse sense. Certain
dancers have been called hoofers and when we decide to walk instead of
drive, we are hoofing it. When we watch the Olympics we view gymnasts
performing amazing feats on the pommel horse. The pommel is a part of a
horse’s saddle. When we cut wood we use a saw horse. The term riding
roughshod means to treat harshly and originates in a horse that has been
shod with projecting nails (kinda like golf cleats).
A person with a long face, a lantern jaw and large teeth is
derogatorily called horse-face. A person who is said to be very fond of
his or her apparel is called a clothes horse. Nonsense and silliness has been called
horse feathers (think of the Marx Brothers). A slang term for a
baseball is a horse hide, even though baseballs were never made from
horse hide. A loud coarse laugh is called a horse laugh. Movies, TV shows
and plays with a Wild West theme are called horse operas. A horse shoe
is not just that piece of metal nailed to a horse’s hoof it also refers to
anything that is U-shaped, including our own Horseshoe Falls. When we go
to the circus it is often held in a place called a hippodrome. This
comes from the ancient Greek and combines hippo (horse) and drome (race course).
The ancients held chariot races in hippodromes.
Speaking of race courses, a lot of words and phrases in our
language come from the race track. When we start an new project with a
great flourish, we say we are off to the races. A project in its
infancy is just out of the starting gate. When this project is
going well, it is on track. When we uphold the losing side, we have
backed the wrong horse. And when things get out of control we say
it's anybody's horse race from here!
A shrewdly conducted bargain is still called a horse trade,
to pony up means to settle an account, and a dark horse is not
only a horse that comes out of nowhere to win a race but also a political
candidate unexpectedly nominated. When a person falls (or is thrown) from
a horse there is much urging to get back on the horse - that same
phrase is used to encourage someone to overcome fear or doubt. Riders
often need a boost to mount a horse - this is the origin of the phrase leg up. The military even today uses the word dismount to describe getting out of a vehicle, a clear throwback to cavalry. Also, the word cavalcade originally meant a procession of persons riding on horses. When we
promise to keep a secret we claim that wild horses couldn't drag it out of
us. When precautions are taken after a problem has occurred we refer
to this as shutting the barn door after the horse has gone. When me
mix up our priorities during a project this is commonly known as putting the
cart before the horse. In the four years that we presented Horsin' Around Rivendell,
we accumulated a stable of artists.
A horse is controlled by its bridle and the attached reins. A
laneway wide enough to accommodate a horse was called a bridle path.
In many subdivisions today there are streets called The Bridle Path which have
never seen a horse! We
refer to unbridled passions or enthusiasm; we rein in our emotions
or our spending. We also use the term free rein to mean letting
someone do what he pleases. The metal mouthpiece of the bridle is called a bit which
curbs or restrains the horse. A curb is also a type of bit, hence phrases
like curb your enthusiasm. When we say the phrase taking the bit in
one's teeth, we mean casting off control. When we say champing at
the bit it means to betray impatience. A rider sometimes wears
spurs on his boots to urge the horse along. We still use the phrase
spurred on to indicate that we are being goaded into action.
The rider sits in the saddle and we often refer to being
saddled with burdens or debt. A person who is in the saddle is
a person in a position of authority. When we return to working after an
absence, we say we are back in the saddle. Saddle shoes are oxfords with
a band of a contrasting color across the instep. For a horse to carry
items, saddle bags are used (think Pony Express mail carriers). Women
with, ahem, hefty thighs sometimes refer to this extra "baggage" as saddle
bags! When some niggling little thing keeps bothering the heck out of
you it is frequently referred to as a burr under your saddle.
Sometimes when we work too many hours we
complain that we have been in harness too long. A person overly
attached to the notion of working is often called a work horse.
Another way of telling someone to leave well enough alone is to use the phrase
don't switch horses in midstream. You can imagine the problems that
would arise from such an effort.
Words like corral, lasso and round-up all come from our
Old West heritage. These words are frequently used to mean gather.
Horse of
a different color has come to mean something that is entirely different.
When we wish to restrain wild impulses we say hold your horses.
When we receive news from a trustworthy source we say we have gotten it straight
from the horse’s mouth. Hot to trot means ready and eager,
as does feeling one's oats. A person who falls into a rage is said
to be up on his hind legs, like a rearing horse.
A time-honored method of determining the age of a horse is to
look into its mouth. The length and condition of the teeth reveal the age. Hence
the phrase looking a gift horse in the mouth, meaning to question
a gift. Not a good thing! Carriage horses work long hours and are given
food in nosebags or feedbags. Hence, putting on the feedbag means
to have a meal.
I will continue to add horse words as I think of them, but for now, I do not want to give anyone a nightmare so I will stop. Well, how about one little Night Mare?
I will continue to add horse words as I think of them, but for now, I do not want to give anyone a nightmare so I will stop. Well, how about one little Night Mare?
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Night Mare, one of the first Art Horses I did for Horsin' Around Rivendell, 2005. |